Multigas FTIR Analysis System for HCl Emission Measurements

July 2, 2024

CleanAir Europe has successfully performed the installation and commissioning of an FTIR system for a world leader in the manufacture of fiber optic cables.


Our customer, a manufacturer of fiber optic cables, had an urgent requirement. Following an inspection by a verification body, our customer discovered that its production processes contained levels of hydrogen chloride (HCl) emissions that were not in compliance. The cables were manufactured using a mixture of lime + HCl, the lime being used to dilute the concentration of hydrogen chloride. However, the lime injection system was clogged, causing HCL levels to exceed regulatory thresholds. Our intervention was therefore urgent (within 48 hours), to avoid a total shutdown of production.


CleanAir Europe therefore set up an analysis system for continuous hydrogen chloride measurements. We chose the MKS 2030 to measure HCl: this multi-gas analyzer with patented FTIR spectrometer and high-resolution optical bench enabled us to carry out very high-precision measurements. The system was completed by a portable PSG probeprobe pump and heated lines to ensure accurate, continuous HCl measurements.


Although our customer's immediate need was to restore hydrogen chloride levels to standard, our intervention also enabled them to improve their lime injection process. Our customer is now equipped with a continuous HCl measurement system, which will enable him to anticipate any discharges exceeding the regulatory standards set by the DREAL.

Continuous HCL measurement system